Command line interface

usage: ocsmesh [-h] [--log-level {info,debug,warning}] [--nprocs NPROCS]
               [--geom-nprocs GEOM_NPROCS] [--hfun-nprocs HFUN_NPROCS]
               [--chunk-size CHUNK_SIZE] [--overlap OVERLAP]
               {geom,hfun,scripts} ...

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: geom, hfun, scripts

Named Arguments


Possible choices: info, debug, warning


Number of parallel threads to use when computing geom and hfun.


Number of processors used when computing the geom, overrides –nprocs argument.


Number of processors used when computing the hfun, overrides –nprocs argument.


Size of square window to be used for processing the raster


Size of overlap to be used for between raster windows



Perform operations related to domain creation and modification.

ocsmesh geom [-h] [--log-level {info,debug,warning}] [--nprocs NPROCS]
             [--geom-nprocs GEOM_NPROCS] [--hfun-nprocs HFUN_NPROCS]
             [--chunk-size CHUNK_SIZE] [--overlap OVERLAP]
             {build} ...

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: build

Named Arguments


Possible choices: info, debug, warning


Number of parallel threads to use when computing geom and hfun.


Number of processors used when computing the geom, overrides –nprocs argument.


Number of processors used when computing the hfun, overrides –nprocs argument.


Size of square window to be used for processing the raster


Size of overlap to be used for between raster windows



Build command for domain definition

ocsmesh geom build [-h] [--log-level {info,debug,warning}] [--nprocs NPROCS]
                   [--geom-nprocs GEOM_NPROCS] [--hfun-nprocs HFUN_NPROCS]
                   [--chunk-size CHUNK_SIZE] [--overlap OVERLAP] -o OUTPUT
                   [-f OUTPUT_FORMAT] [--output-crs OUTPUT_CRS] [--mesh MESH]
                   [--ignore-mesh-boundary] [--mesh-crs MESH_CRS]
                   [--zmin ZMIN] [--zmax ZMAX]
                   dem [dem ...]
Positional Arguments

Digital elevation model list to be used in geometry creation

Named Arguments

Possible choices: info, debug, warning


Number of parallel threads to use when computing geom and hfun.


Number of processors used when computing the geom, overrides –nprocs argument.


Number of processors used when computing the hfun, overrides –nprocs argument.


Size of square window to be used for processing the raster


Size of overlap to be used for between raster windows

-o, --output
-f, --output-format

Default: 'shapefile'


Default: 'EPSG:4326'


Mesh to extract hull from


Flag to ignore mesh boundary for final boundary union

Default: False


CRS of the input base mesh (overrides)


Maximum elevation to consider


Maximum elevation to consider


Perform operations related to size function creation and modification.

ocsmesh hfun [-h] [--log-level {info,debug,warning}] [--nprocs NPROCS]
             [--geom-nprocs GEOM_NPROCS] [--hfun-nprocs HFUN_NPROCS]
             [--chunk-size CHUNK_SIZE] [--overlap OVERLAP]
             {build} ...

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: build

Named Arguments


Possible choices: info, debug, warning


Number of parallel threads to use when computing geom and hfun.


Number of processors used when computing the geom, overrides –nprocs argument.


Number of processors used when computing the hfun, overrides –nprocs argument.


Size of square window to be used for processing the raster


Size of overlap to be used for between raster windows



Build command for mesh size definition

ocsmesh hfun build [-h] [--log-level {info,debug,warning}] [--nprocs NPROCS]
                   [--geom-nprocs GEOM_NPROCS] [--hfun-nprocs HFUN_NPROCS]
                   [--chunk-size CHUNK_SIZE] [--overlap OVERLAP] -o OUTPUT
                   [-f OUTPUT_FORMAT] [--mesh MESH] [--hmax HMAX]
                   [--hmin HMIN] [--contour CONTOUR [CONTOUR ...]]
                   [--constant CONST_DEFN CONST_DEFN] [--method METHOD]
                   dem [dem ...]
Positional Arguments

Digital elevation model list to be used in size function creation

Named Arguments

Possible choices: info, debug, warning


Number of parallel threads to use when computing geom and hfun.


Number of processors used when computing the geom, overrides –nprocs argument.


Number of processors used when computing the hfun, overrides –nprocs argument.


Size of square window to be used for processing the raster


Size of overlap to be used for between raster windows

-o, --output
-f, --output-format

Default: '2dm'


Base mesh size function


Maximum element size


Minimum element size


Each contour’s (level, [expansion, target]) to be applied on all size functions in collector

Default: []


Specify constant mesh size above a given contour level by passing (lower_bound, target_size) for each constant

Default: []


Method used to calculate size function ({exact} |fast)

Default: 'exact'


Access to experimental OCSMesh scripts.

ocsmesh scripts [-h] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL]
                {remesh_by_shape,remesh_by_dem,mesh_upgrader,subset_n_combine} ...

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: remesh_by_shape, remesh_by_dem, mesh_upgrader, subset_n_combine

Named Arguments




Locally refine an existing input mesh based on input DEMs within the region specified by input shape and cut-off depth.

ocsmesh scripts remesh_by_shape [-h] [--in-crs IN_CRS] [--shape SHAPE] [-u]
                                [--cutoff CUTOFF] [--factor FACTOR]
                                [--contour CONTOUR_DEFN [CONTOUR_DEFN ...]]
                                [--patch PATCH_DEFN PATCH_DEFN PATCH_DEFN]
                                [--constant CONST_DEFN CONST_DEFN] [-s SIEVE]
                                [--interpolate INTERPOLATE [INTERPOLATE ...]]
                                [-o OUTPUT] [-f OUTPUT_FORMAT]
                                [--nprocs NPROCS]
Positional Arguments
Named Arguments

Default: 'EPSG:4326'

-u, --upstream

Default: False


Refinement cutoff depth in meters (positive up)

Default: -250


Default: 2


Each contour’s (level, [expansion, target]) to be applied on all size functions in collector

Default: []


Specify patch mesh size above a given contour level by passing (lower_bound, expansion, target_size) for each patch

Default: []


Specify constant mesh size above a given contour level by passing (lower_bound, target_size) for each constant

Default: []

-s, --sieve

To interpolate from depth of DEMs not involved in the remeshing process

Default: []

-o, --output
-f, --output-format

Default: '2dm'


Default: -1


Locally refine an existing input mesh based on input DEMs

ocsmesh scripts remesh_by_dem [-h] --mesh MESH [--mesh-crs MESH_CRS]
                              [--contour CONTOUR_DEFN [CONTOUR_DEFN ...]]
                              [--constant CONST_DEFN CONST_DEFN] [--hmin HMIN]
                              [--zmax ZMAX] [--clip-by-base] [--geom GEOM]
                              [--hfun HFUN] [--hfun-crs HFUN_CRS] [-s SIEVE]
                              [--interpolate INTERPOLATE [INTERPOLATE ...]]
                              [-o OUTPUT] [-f OUTPUT_FORMAT] [-k]
                              [--nprocs NPROCS]
                              dem [dem ...]
Positional Arguments
Named Arguments

Default: 'EPSG:4326'


Each contour’s (level, [expansion, target]) to be applied on all size functions in collector

Default: []


Specify constant mesh size above a given contour level by passing (lower_bound, target_size) for each constant

Default: []


Default: 250


Default: 0


Flag to clip input DEMs using base mesh polygon

Default: False


Default: 'EPSG:4326'

-s, --sieve

To interpolate from depth of DEMs not involved in the remeshing process

Default: []

-o, --output
-f, --output-format

Default: '2dm'

-k, --keep-intermediate

Default: False


Default: -1


Create a new mesh based on a base-mesh and input DEMs.

ocsmesh scripts mesh_upgrader [-h] --basemesh BASEMESH --demlo [DEMLO ...]
                              --demhi [DEMHI ...] --out OUT
Named Arguments

Subset and combine the two input meshes based on the region of interset

ocsmesh scripts subset_n_combine [-h] [--rasters RASTERS [RASTERS ...]]
                                 [-o DIRECTORY] [-a] [-c CRS] [-d CUTOFF]
                                 [-s WIND_SPEED] [-n N_LAYERS]
                                 [--adv-upstream-area-max AREA]
                                 [--adv-rel-island-area-min AREA]
                                 fine_mesh coarse_mesh region_of_interset
Positional Arguments

Path to the fine mesh


Path to the coarse mesh


Path to the shape file for region of interest or storm track

Named Arguments

List of rasters used for calculating depth cutoff

-o, --out

Output directory

-a, --outall

Flag to indicate all intermediate shapes to be written to disk

Default: False

-c, --crs

Input mesh CRS and output CRS [experimental]

Default: 'epsg:4326'

-d, --cutoff

Cut-off depth (positive up) for calculating region subsetted from fine mesh

Default: -200

-s, --isotach-speed

Possible choices: 34, 50, 64

Isotach (34, 50 or 64) to use if region of interset is storm track

Default: 34

-n, --adv-buffer-n-layers

Number of buffer layers to mesh between fine and coarse mesh

Default: 9


Advanced option: maximum segment area for calculating upstream

Default: 100


Advanced option: minimum segment area for dropping islands during shape cleanup

Default: 0.01