Domain definition
- class ocsmesh.geom.Geom(geom: Raster | BaseMesh | Polygon | MultiPolygon | Iterable[Raster | BaseMesh | Polygon | MultiPolygon | str], **kwargs: Any)
Geometry object factory
Factory class that creates and returns concrete geometry object based on the input types.
- Attributes:
Read-only attribute for CRS of the input geometry
Read-only attribute for shapely representation of the geometry
Static method to check if an object is a valid geometry type
The object created when using this class is not an instance of this class or a subclass of it. It is a subclass of BaseGeom instead.
- Parameters:
- geomCanCreateGeom
Object to create the domain geometry from. The type of this object determines the created geometry object type
- **kwargsdict, optional
Keyword arguments passed to the constructor of the correct geometry type
- Attributes:
Read-only attribute for CRS of the input geometry
Read-only attribute for shapely representation of the geometry
(**kwargs)Calculate the shapely representation of the geometry
(geom)Checks if an object is a valid geometry type
(**kwargs)Returns the jigsawpy representation of the geometry.
- static is_valid_type(geom: Any) bool
Checks if an object is a valid geometry type
- get_multipolygon(**kwargs: Any) MultiPolygon
Calculate the shapely representation of the geometry
This abstract method defines the expected API for a geometry object.
- Raises:
- NotImplementedError
If method is not redefined in the subclass
- property crs: CRS
Read-only attribute for CRS of the input geometry
- msh_t(**kwargs: Any) jigsaw_msh_t
Returns the jigsawpy representation of the geometry.
This method calculates the vertex-edge representation of the geometry in the form of jigsaw_msh_t. The return value is in a projected CRS. If the geometry CRS is geographic, then a local UTM CRS is calculated and used for this representation.
- Parameters:
- **kwargsdict, optional
Keyword arguments passed to get_multipolygon method
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
Calculated vertex-edge representation of the geometry if a projected or local UTM CRS.
The output of this method needs to have length unit for distances (i.e. not degrees) since mesh size is specified in length units and the domain and size function are the passed to the mesh engine for cartesian meshing.
- property multipolygon: MultiPolygon
Read-only attribute for shapely representation of the geometry
This read-only attribute is calculated lazily and has the same value as calling get_multipolygon without any arguments.
- class ocsmesh.geom.RasterGeom(raster: Raster | str | PathLike, zmin: float | None = None, zmax: float | None = None)
Raster based geometry.
Create geometry based on a raster object. All the calculations are done on the raster image.
- Attributes:
Returns the jigsawpy vertex-edge representation of the geometry
get_multipolygon(zmin=None, zmax=None)
Returns shapely object representation of the geometry
This is the main object to use for handling DEM data. The objects of this class hold a reference to the original raster object and use that handle to extract data using Raster API.
Initialize a raster based geometry object.
- Parameters:
- rasterRaster or str or path-like
Input raster for generating the geometry, i.e. the simulation domain
- zminfloat or None, default=None
Minimum elevation cut-off for calculating polygon
- zmaxfloat or None, default=None
Maximum elevation cut-off for calculating polygon
- Attributes:
Read-only attribute returning the CRS of the source raster
Read-only attribute for shapely representation of the geometry
Read-only attribute for reference to the source raster
([zmin, zmax])Returns the shapely representation of the geometry
([ax, show])Create a plot from the boundaries of the geometry polygon
(**kwargs)Returns the jigsawpy representation of the geometry.
- get_multipolygon(zmin: float | None = None, zmax: float | None = None) MultiPolygon
Returns the shapely representation of the geometry
Calculates and returns the MultiPolygon representation of the geometry.
- Parameters:
- zminfloat or None, default=None
Minimum elevation cut-off for calculating polygon, overrides value provided during object construction
- zmaxfloat or None, default=None
Maximum elevation cut-off for calculating polygon, overrides value provided during object construction
- Returns:
- MultiPolygon
Calculated polygon from raster data based on the minimum and maximum elevations of interest.
- property crs: CRS
Read-only attribute returning the CRS of the source raster
- make_plot(ax: Axes | None = None, show: bool = False) Axes
Create a plot from the boundaries of the geometry polygon
- Parameters:
- axAxes or None, default=None
An existing axes to draw the geomtry polygon on
- showbool, default=False
Whether to call after drawing the polygon
- Returns:
- Axes
The axes onto which the polygon boundaries are drawn
- msh_t(**kwargs: Any) jigsaw_msh_t
Returns the jigsawpy representation of the geometry.
This method calculates the vertex-edge representation of the geometry in the form of jigsaw_msh_t. The return value is in a projected CRS. If the geometry CRS is geographic, then a local UTM CRS is calculated and used for this representation.
- Parameters:
- **kwargsdict, optional
Keyword arguments passed to get_multipolygon method
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
Calculated vertex-edge representation of the geometry if a projected or local UTM CRS.
The output of this method needs to have length unit for distances (i.e. not degrees) since mesh size is specified in length units and the domain and size function are the passed to the mesh engine for cartesian meshing.
- property multipolygon: MultiPolygon
Read-only attribute for shapely representation of the geometry
This read-only attribute is calculated lazily and has the same value as calling get_multipolygon without any arguments.
- class ocsmesh.geom.MeshGeom(mesh: BaseMesh | str | PathLike)
Mesh based geometry.
Create a geometry based on an input mesh. All the calculations for polygon are done on the underlying mesh object.
- Attributes:
Returns shapely object representation of the geometry
Returns the jigsawpy vertex-edge representation of the geometry
This class is a handy tool for reusing existing mesh extent for geometry (i.e. domain) definition and then remeshing that domain.
Initialize a mesh based geometry object
- Parameters:
- mesh:
Input object used to compute the output mesh hull.
- Attributes:
Read-only attribute returning the CRS of the underlying mesh
Read-only attribute for reference to the source mesh
Read-only attribute for shapely representation of the geometry
(**kwargs)Returns the shapely representation of the geometry
(**kwargs)Returns the jigsawpy representation of the geometry.
- get_multipolygon(**kwargs) MultiPolygon
Returns the shapely representation of the geometry
Calculates and returns the MultiPolygon representation of the geometry.
- Parameters:
- **kwargsdict, optional
Currently unused for this class, needed for generic API support
- Returns:
- MultiPolygon
Calculated polygon from mesh based on the element boundaries
- property mesh
Read-only attribute for reference to the source mesh
- property crs
Read-only attribute returning the CRS of the underlying mesh
- msh_t(**kwargs: Any) jigsaw_msh_t
Returns the jigsawpy representation of the geometry.
This method calculates the vertex-edge representation of the geometry in the form of jigsaw_msh_t. The return value is in a projected CRS. If the geometry CRS is geographic, then a local UTM CRS is calculated and used for this representation.
- Parameters:
- **kwargsdict, optional
Keyword arguments passed to get_multipolygon method
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
Calculated vertex-edge representation of the geometry if a projected or local UTM CRS.
The output of this method needs to have length unit for distances (i.e. not degrees) since mesh size is specified in length units and the domain and size function are the passed to the mesh engine for cartesian meshing.
- property multipolygon: MultiPolygon
Read-only attribute for shapely representation of the geometry
This read-only attribute is calculated lazily and has the same value as calling get_multipolygon without any arguments.
- class ocsmesh.geom.PolygonGeom(polygon: Polygon, crs: CRS | str)
Geometry based on shapely.geometry.Polygon.
- Attributes:
Returns shapely object representation of the geometry
Returns the jigsawpy vertex-edge representation of the geometry
Initialize a shapely based geometry object
- Parameters:
- polygonPolygon
Input polygon to be used for geometry object
- crsCRS or str
The CRS of the input Polygon
- Attributes:
Read-only attribute returning the CRS associated with the geometry
Read-only attribute for shapely representation of the geometry
Read-only attribute referencing the underlying Polygon
(**kwargs)Returns a MultiPolygon from the underlying shapely geometry
(**kwargs)Returns the jigsawpy representation of the geometry.
- get_multipolygon(**kwargs: Any) MultiPolygon
Returns a MultiPolygon from the underlying shapely geometry
- Parameters:
- **kwargsdict, optional
Currently unused for this class, needed for generic API support
- Returns:
- MultiPolygon
Multipolygon created from the input single polygon
- property polygon
Read-only attribute referencing the underlying Polygon
- property crs
Read-only attribute returning the CRS associated with the geometry
- msh_t(**kwargs: Any) jigsaw_msh_t
Returns the jigsawpy representation of the geometry.
This method calculates the vertex-edge representation of the geometry in the form of jigsaw_msh_t. The return value is in a projected CRS. If the geometry CRS is geographic, then a local UTM CRS is calculated and used for this representation.
- Parameters:
- **kwargsdict, optional
Keyword arguments passed to get_multipolygon method
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
Calculated vertex-edge representation of the geometry if a projected or local UTM CRS.
The output of this method needs to have length unit for distances (i.e. not degrees) since mesh size is specified in length units and the domain and size function are the passed to the mesh engine for cartesian meshing.
- property multipolygon: MultiPolygon
Read-only attribute for shapely representation of the geometry
This read-only attribute is calculated lazily and has the same value as calling get_multipolygon without any arguments.
- class ocsmesh.geom.MultiPolygonGeom(multipolygon: MultiPolygon, crs: CRS | str)
Initialize a shapely based geometry object
- Parameters:
- multipolygonMultiPolygon
Input multipolygon to be used for geometry object
- crsCRS or str
The CRS of the input Polygon
- Attributes:
Read-only attribute for CRS of the input geometry
Read-only attribute referencing the underlying MultiPolygon
(**kwargs)Returns the underlying shapely MultiPolygon
(**kwargs)Returns the jigsawpy representation of the geometry.
- get_multipolygon(**kwargs)
Returns the underlying shapely MultiPolygon
- Parameters:
- **kwargsdict, optional
Currently unused for this class, needed for generic API support
- Returns:
- MultiPolygon
Underlying Multipolygon
- property multipolygon
Read-only attribute referencing the underlying MultiPolygon
- property crs: CRS
Read-only attribute for CRS of the input geometry
- msh_t(**kwargs: Any) jigsaw_msh_t
Returns the jigsawpy representation of the geometry.
This method calculates the vertex-edge representation of the geometry in the form of jigsaw_msh_t. The return value is in a projected CRS. If the geometry CRS is geographic, then a local UTM CRS is calculated and used for this representation.
- Parameters:
- **kwargsdict, optional
Keyword arguments passed to get_multipolygon method
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
Calculated vertex-edge representation of the geometry if a projected or local UTM CRS.
The output of this method needs to have length unit for distances (i.e. not degrees) since mesh size is specified in length units and the domain and size function are the passed to the mesh engine for cartesian meshing.
- class ocsmesh.geom.GeomCollector(in_list: Iterable[Raster | BaseMesh | Polygon | MultiPolygon | str], base_mesh: Mesh | None = None, zmin: float | None = None, zmax: float | None = None, nprocs: int | None = None, chunk_size: int | None = None, overlap: int | None = None, verbosity: int = 0, base_shape: Polygon | MultiPolygon | None = None, base_shape_crs: str | CRS = 'EPSG:4326')
Geometry object based on multiple input types
Geometry type that merges the information from different types of inputs such as raster, mesh and shapely geometries.
- Attributes:
CRSDescriptorRead-only attribute for CRS of the input geometry
MultiPolygonRead-only attribute for shapely representation of the geometry
Returns the jigsawpy vertex-edge representation of the geometry
Returns shapely object representation of the geometry
Define local (patch) contour extraction definition from all the input data (e.g. raster, mesh, etc.)
Initialize geometry collector object
- Parameters:
- in_listlist
List of objects that from which single geometry object can be created. This includes path to a raster or mesh file as a string, as well as Raster, Mesh or Polygon objects. Note that objects are not copied and currently any clipping that happens during processing will affect the objects pass to the GeomCollector constructor.
- base_meshMesh or None, default=None
Base mesh to be used for extracting boundaries of the domain. If not None all the input rasters all clipped by base_mesh polygon before further processing. This is useful for cases where we’d like to locally refine features of the domain (domain region >> inputs region) or when input rasters are much larger that the domain and we’d like to extract contours only within domain to save on computation.
- zminfloat or None, default=None
Minimum elevation for extracting domain.
- zmaxfloat or None, default=None
Maximum elevation for extracting domain.
- nprocs: int or None, default=None
Number of processors to use in parallel parts of the collector computation
- chunk_size: int or None, default=None
Chunk size for windowed calculation on rasters
- overlap: int or None default=None
Window overlap for windowed calculation on rasters
- verbosity: int, default=0,
Verbosity of the output
- base_shape: Polygon or MultiPolygon or None, default=None
Similar to base_mesh, but instead of calculating the polygon from mesh, directly receive it from the calling code.
- base_shape_crs: str or CRS, default=’EPSG:4326’
CRS of the input base_shape.
- Attributes:
Read-only attribute for CRS of the input geometry
Read-only attribute for shapely representation of the geometry
([shape, level, contour_defn, ...])Specifies an area of geometry inputs to extract contours
(**kwargs)Returns the shapely representation of the geometry
(**kwargs)Returns the jigsawpy representation of the geometry.
- get_multipolygon(**kwargs: Any) MultiPolygon
Returns the shapely representation of the geometry
Calculates and returns the MultiPolygon representation of the geometry.
- Parameters:
- **kwargsdict, optional
Currently unused for this class, needed for generic API support
- Returns:
- MultiPolygon
Calculated and merged polygons from all geometry inputs.
All calculations are done lazily and the results is not cached. During this process all the stored contour extraction specs are applied on all the inputs and then the resulting shapes are merged.
Calculation for each DEM and feature is stored on disk as feather files. In the last steps are all these feather files are combined using the out of core calculation by GeoPandas.
- add_patch(shape: Polygon | MultiPolygon | None = None, level: Tuple[float, float] | float | None = None, contour_defn: FilledContour | Contour | None = None, patch_defn: Patch | None = None, shapefile: str | Path | None = None) None
Specifies an area of geometry inputs to extract contours
Specifies a localized area of geometry inputs to extract contours from.
- Parameters:
- shapeMultiPolygon or Polygon or None, default=None
shapely (multi)polygon to specify the area from which contour specification for this patch should be extracted. CRS is assumed to be
.- level: float or tuple of float, default=None
Contour level specification for this patch. If provided, it could either be a single floating point number for the maximum elevation or a tuple indicating minimum and maximum elevations for contour extraction.
- contour_defnFilledContour or Contour or None, default=None
Alternative way of specifying maximum or minimum or both elevation levels for contour extraction.
- patch_defnPatch or None, default=None
Alternative way to specify which region within the input the contours need to be extracted from.
- shapefile: str or Path or None, default=None
Alternative way to specify which region within the input the contours need to be extracted from.
- Returns:
- None
This method doesn’t result in any calculations. It simply stores the information about the user specified contour. During the get_multipolygon call the contours are actually calculated on all the inputs.
- property crs: CRS
Read-only attribute for CRS of the input geometry
- msh_t(**kwargs: Any) jigsaw_msh_t
Returns the jigsawpy representation of the geometry.
This method calculates the vertex-edge representation of the geometry in the form of jigsaw_msh_t. The return value is in a projected CRS. If the geometry CRS is geographic, then a local UTM CRS is calculated and used for this representation.
- Parameters:
- **kwargsdict, optional
Keyword arguments passed to get_multipolygon method
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
Calculated vertex-edge representation of the geometry if a projected or local UTM CRS.
The output of this method needs to have length unit for distances (i.e. not degrees) since mesh size is specified in length units and the domain and size function are the passed to the mesh engine for cartesian meshing.
- property multipolygon: MultiPolygon
Read-only attribute for shapely representation of the geometry
This read-only attribute is calculated lazily and has the same value as calling get_multipolygon without any arguments.