Utility classes and functions
- class ocsmesh.raster.Raster(path: str | PathLike, crs: str | CRS | None = None, chunk_size: int | None = None, overlap: int | None = None)
Wrapper class for basic raster handling
- Attributes:
Read-only attribute for the x-ticks of raster grid
Read-only attribute for the y-ticks of raster grid
Read-only attribute for the raster grid data
Read-only attribute for the path to original raster file
Read-only attribute for the path to working raster file
Read-only attribute for the hash of working raster file content
Read-only attribute for the number of bands of raster dataset
Read-only attribute indicating whether raster has missing data.
Read-only attribute indicating the shape of raster grid
Read-only attribute for the number of rows of raster grid
Read-only attribute for the bounding box of the raster grid
Read-only attribute for access to opened dataset handle
Read-only attribute for the number of columns of raster grid
Read-only attribute for grid distance in x direction
Read-only attribute for grid distance in y direction
Read-only attribute for raster CRS
- nodatavals
Read-only attribute for raster’s transform
Read-only attribute for raster’s data type
- nodata
Read-only attribute for grid resolution in x direction
Read-only attribute for grid resolution in y direction
Modifiable attribute for stored raster resampling method
Modfiable attribute for stored square raster window size
Modfiable attribute for stored raster windows overlap amount
modifying_raster(use_src_meta=True, **kwargs)
Context for modifying raster and saving to disk after.
Get X values from the raster.
Get Y values from the raster.
Get raster position tuples.
get_values(window=None, band=None, **kwargs)
Get values at all the points in the raster.
get_xyz(window=None, band=None)
Get raster position tuples and values horizontally stacked.
get_multipolygon(zmin=None, zmax=None, window=None, overlap=None, band=1)
Extract multipolygon from raster data.
get_bbox(crs=None, output_type=’polygon’)
Get the raster bounding box.
Plot a filled contour from the raster data.
Get tags set on raster dataset.
read(i, masked=True, **kwargs)
Call underlying dataset read method.
Return data type from the source raster.
Return the no-data value of the source raster.
sample(xy, i)
Call underlying dataset sample method.
Release source raster object.
add_band(values, **tags)
Add a new band of data with specified tags to the raster.
Fill no-data points in the raster dataset.
Apply Gaussian filter on the raster data.
average_filter(size, drop_above, drop_below)
Apply average filter on the raster data.
generic_filter(function, **kwargs)
Apply generic filter on the raster data.
mask(shapes, i=None, **kwargs)
Mask raster data by shape.
Read source raster masks.
warp(dst_crs, nprocs=-1)
Reproject raster data.
resample(scaling_factor, resampling_method=None)
Resample raster data.
Save-as raster data to the provided path.
Clip raster data by provided shape.
adjust(geom=None, inside_min=-np.inf, outside_max=np.inf, cond=None)
Modify raster values based on constraints and shape.
get_contour(level, window)
Calculate contour of specified level on raster data.
get_channels(level=0, width=1000, tolerance=None)
Calculate narrow areas based on input level and width.
iter_windows(chunk_size=None, overlap=None)
Return raster view windows based on chunk size and overlap.
get_window_data(window, masked=True, band=None)
Return raster values based for the input window.
Return window bounds.
Return window transform for the input raster
This class makes use of property and descriptor type attributes. Some of the properties even point to the value set by the descriptors. It’s important to not that the properties are set lazily. It’s also noteworthy to mention that this class is currently not picklable due temporary file and file-like object attributes.
Raster data manipulator.
- Parameters:
- pathstr or os.PathLike
Path to a raster image to work on (.tiff or .nc).
- crsstr or CRS, default=None
CRS to use and override input raster data with. Note that no transformation takes place.
- chunk_sizeint or None, default=None
Square window size to be used for data chunking
- overlapint or None , default=None
Overlap size for calculating chunking windows on the raster
- Attributes:
Read-only attribute for the bounding box of the raster grid
Modfiable attribute for stored square raster window size
Read-only attribute for the number of bands of raster dataset
Read-only attribute for raster CRS
Read-only attribute for raster’s data type
Read-only attribute for grid distance in x direction
Read-only attribute for grid distance in y direction
Read-only attribute for the number of rows of raster grid
Read-only attribute indicating whether raster has missing data.
Read-only attribute for the hash of working raster file content
- nodata
- nodatavals
Modfiable attribute for stored raster windows overlap amount
Read-only attribute for the path to original raster file
Modifiable attribute for stored raster resampling method
Read-only attribute indicating the shape of raster grid
Read-only attribute for access to opened dataset handle
Read-only attribute for the path to working raster file
Read-only attribute for raster’s transform
Read-only attribute for the raster grid data
Read-only attribute for the number of columns of raster grid
Read-only attribute for the x-ticks of raster grid
Read-only attribute for grid resolution in x direction
Read-only attribute for the y-ticks of raster grid
Read-only attribute for grid resolution in y direction
(values, **tags)Add a new band for values with tags tags to the raster
([geom, inside_min, outside_max, cond])Adjust raster data in-place based on specified shape.
(size[, drop_above, ...])Apply average(mean) filter on the raster
(geom)Clip raster data in-place, outside the specified shape.
()Delete source object
([band, window, axes, vmin, vmax, ...])Plot filled contour for raster data.
(i)Raster data type
Fill missing values in the raster in-place
(**kwargs)Apply Gaussian filter to the raster data in-place
(function, **kwargs)Apply Gaussian filter to the raster data in-place
([crs, output_type])Calculate the bounding box of the raster.
([level, width, tolerance])Calculate narrow width polygons based on specified input
(level[, window])Calculate contour lines for specified data level.
([zmin, zmax, window, ...])Calculate and return a multipolygon based on the raster data
([window, band])Return the data stored at each point in the raster grid
(window)Returns west, south, east, north bounds of the window
(window[, masked, band])Return the positions and values of raster data for the window
(window)Returns raster's affine transform calculated for the window
([window])Get X positions of the raster grid.
([window])Get raster positions tuple array
([window, band])Return the data stored at each point in the raster grid
([window])Get Y positions of the raster grid.
([chunk_size, overlap])Calculates sequence of windows for the raster
(shapes[, i])Mask data based on input shapes in-place
([use_src_meta])Context manager for modifying and storing raster data
(i)Value used for filling no-data points
(i[, masked])Read the data from raster opened file
([i])Read existing masks on the raster data
(scaling_factor[, resampling_method])Resample raster data in-place based on a scaling factor
(xy, i)Get value of the data in specified positions
(path)Save-as raster dataset to a new location
([i])Return a dictionary of dataset or band's tags
(dst_crs[, nprocs])Reproject the raster data to specified dst_crs in-place
- modifying_raster(use_src_meta: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) Generator[DatasetReader, None, None]
Context manager for modifying and storing raster data
This is a helper context manager method that handles creating new temporary file and replacing the old one with it when raster data is successfully modified.
- Parameters:
- use_src_metabool, default=True
Whether or not to copy the metadata of the source raster when creating the new empty raster file
- **kwargsdict, optional
Options to be passed as metadata to raster database. These options override values taken from source raster in case use_src_meta is True
- Yields:
- rasterio.DatasetReader
Handle to the opened dataset on temporary file which will override the old values if no exception occurs during the context
- get_x(window: Window | None = None) ndarray[Any, dtype[float]]
Get X positions of the raster grid.
- Parameters:
- windowwindows.Window, default=None
The window over which X positions are to be returned
- Returns:
- np.ndarray
A vector X positions from minimum to the maximum
- get_y(window: Window | None = None) ndarray[Any, dtype[float]]
Get Y positions of the raster grid.
- Parameters:
- windowwindows.Window, default=None
The window over which Y positions are to be returned
- Returns:
- np.ndarray
A vector Y positions from minimum to the maximum
- get_xy(window: Window | None = None) ndarray
Get raster positions tuple array
- Parameters:
- windowwindows.Window, default=None
The window over which positions are to be returned
- Returns:
- np.ndarray
A n :math:` imes 2` matrix of positions
- get_values(window: Window | None = None, band: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any) ndarray[Any, dtype[float]]
Return the data stored at each point in the raster grid
- Parameters:
- windowwindows.Window, default=None
The window over which values are to be returned.
- bandint, default=None
The band from which the values should be read. If None return data from band 1.
- **kwargsdict, optional
Additional arguments to pass to rasterio.DatasetReader.read.
- Returns:
- np.ndarray
A 2D matrix of values on the raster grid.
- get_xyz(window: Window | None = None, band: int | None = None) ndarray
Return the data stored at each point in the raster grid
- Parameters:
- windowwindows.Window, default=None
The window over which positions and values are to be returned.
- bandint, default=None
The band from which the values should be read. If None return data from band 1.
- Returns:
- np.ndarray
A n :math:` imes 3` matrix of x, y and values
- get_multipolygon(zmin: float | None = None, zmax: float | None = None, window: Window | None = None, overlap: int | None = None, band: int = 1) MultiPolygon
Calculate and return a multipolygon based on the raster data
Calculates filled contour from raster data between specified limits on the specified band and creates a multipolygon from the filled contour to return.
- Parameters:
- zminfloat or None, default=None
Lower bound of raster data for filled contour calculation
- zmaxfloat or None, default=None
Upper bound of raster data for filled contour calculation
- windowwindows.Window or None, default=None
Window over whose data the multipolygon is calculated
- overlapint or None, default=None
Overlap used for generating windows if window is not provided
- bandint, default=1
Raster band over whose data multipolygon is calculated
- Returns:
- MultiPolygon
The calculated multipolygon from raster data
- get_bbox(crs: str | CRS | None = None, output_type: Literal['polygon', 'bbox'] = 'polygon') Polygon | Bbox
Calculate the bounding box of the raster.
- Parameters:
- crsstr or CRS or None, default=None
The CRS in which the bounding box is requested.
- output_type{‘polygon’, ‘bbox’}
The label of the return type for bounding box, either a shapely ‘polygon’ or matplotlib ‘bbox’.
- Returns:
- box or Bbox
The bounding box of the raster.
- Raises:
- TypeError
If the label of return type is not valid.
- contourf(band: int = 1, window: Window | None = None, axes: Axes | None = None, vmin: float | None = None, vmax: float | None = None, cmap: str = 'topobathy', levels: List[float] | None = None, show: bool = False, title: str | None = None, figsize: Tuple[float, float] | None = None, colors: int = 256, cbar_label: str | None = None, norm=None, **kwargs: Any) Axes
Plot filled contour for raster data.
- Parameters:
- bandint, default=1
Raster band from which data is used.
- windowwindows.Window or None, default=None
Raster window from which data is used.
- axesAxes or None, default=None
Matplotlib axes to draw contour on>
- vminfloat or None, default=None
Minimum value of the filled contour.
- vmaxfloat or None, default=None
Maximum value of the filled contour.
- cmapstr, default=’topobathy’
Colormap to use for filled contour.
- levelslist of float or None, default=None
Prespecified list of contour levels.
- showbool, default=False
Whether to show the contour on creation or not.
- titlestr or None, default=None
Title used on the axes of the contour
- figsizetuple of float or None, default=None
Figure size used for the contour figure
- colorsint, default=256
Contour colors associated with levels
- cbar_labelstr or None, default=None
Label of the colorbar
- normNormalize or None, default=None
Normalizer object
- **kwargsdict, optional
Keyword arguments passed to the matplotlib contourf() function
- Returns:
- Axes
Axes object from matplotlib library that holds onto the contour plot object
- tags(i: int | None = None) Dict[str, str]
Return a dictionary of dataset or band’s tags
- Parameters:
- iint or None, default=None
The band from which the tags are read.
- Returns:
- dict
Dictionary of tags
- read(i: int, masked: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) ndarray[Any, dtype[float]]
Read the data from raster opened file
- Parameters:
- iint
The index of the band to read the data from
- maskedbool, default=True
Whether or not to return a masked array
- **kwargsdict, optional
Additional keyword arguments passed to rasterio read()
- Returns:
- ndarray
Array of raster data
- dtype(i: int) ndarray[Any, dtype[float]]
Raster data type
- Parameters:
- iint
The index of the band to read the data from
- Returns:
- Any
Data type of raster values
- nodataval(i: int) float
Value used for filling no-data points
- Parameters:
- iint
The index of the band to read the data from
- Returns:
- float
The value to be used for points that have missing data
- sample(xy: Iterable, i: int) ndarray[Any, dtype[float]]
Get value of the data in specified positions
- Parameters:
- xyiterable
Pairs of xy coordinates for which data is retrieved
- iint
The index of the band to read the data from
- Returns:
- ndarray
Array of values for specified input positions
- close() None
Delete source object
- add_band(values: ndarray[Any, dtype[float]], **tags: Any) int
Add a new band for values with tags tags to the raster
- Parameters:
- valuesarray-like
The values to be added to the raster, it must have the correct shape as the raster.
- **tagsdict, optional
The tags to be added for the new band of data.
- Returns:
- int
ID of the new band added to the raster.
- fill_nodata() None
Fill missing values in the raster in-place
- gaussian_filter(**kwargs: Any) None
Apply Gaussian filter to the raster data in-place
- Parameters:
- **kwargsdict, optional
Keyword arguments passed to SciPy gaussian_filter function
- Returns:
- None
- average_filter(size: int | ndarray[Any, dtype[int]], drop_above: float | None = None, drop_below: float | None = None, apply_on_bands: List[int] | None = None) None
Apply average(mean) filter on the raster
- Parameters:
- size: int, npt.NDArray[int]
size of the footprint
- drop_above: float or None
elevation above which the cells are ignored for averaging
- drop_below: float or None
elevation below which the cells are ignored for averaging
- Returns:
- None
- generic_filter(function, **kwargs: Any) None
Apply Gaussian filter to the raster data in-place
- Parameters:
- function: callable, LowLevelCallable
Function to be used on the footprint array
- **kwargsdict, optional
Keyword arguments passed to SciPy generic_filter function
- Returns:
- None
- mask(shapes: Iterable, i: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any) None
Mask data based on input shapes in-place
- Parameters:
- shapesiterable
List of GeoJSON like dict or objects that implement Python geo interface protocol (passed to rasterio.mask.mask).
- iint or None, default=None
The index of the band to read the data from.
- **kwargsdict, optional
Keyword arguments used to create new raster Dataset.
- Returns:
- None
- read_masks(i: int | None = None) ndarray[Any, dtype[bool]]
Read existing masks on the raster data
- Parameters:
- iint or None, default=None
- Returns:
- np.ndarray or view
Raster band mask from the dataset
- warp(dst_crs: CRS | str, nprocs: int = -1) None
Reproject the raster data to specified dst_crs in-place
- Parameters:
- dst_crsCRS or str
Destination CRS to which raster must be transformed
- nprocsint, default=-1
Number of processors to use for the operation
- Returns:
- None
- resample(scaling_factor: float, resampling_method: str | None = None) None
Resample raster data in-place based on a scaling factor
- Parameters:
- scaling_factorfloat
The scaling factor to use for resampling data
- resampling_methodstr or None, default=None
Name of the resampling method passed to rasterio.DatasetReader.read
- Returns:
- None
- save(path: str | PathLike) None
Save-as raster dataset to a new location
- Parameters:
- pathstr or path-like
The path to which raster must be saved.
- Returns:
- None
- clip(geom: Polygon | MultiPolygon) None
Clip raster data in-place, outside the specified shape.
- Parameters:
- geomPolygon or MultiPolygon
Shape used to clip the raster data
- Returns:
- None
- adjust(geom: None | Polygon | MultiPolygon = None, inside_min: float = -inf, outside_max: float = inf, cond: Callable[[ndarray[Any, dtype[float]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[bool]]] | None = None) None
Adjust raster data in-place based on specified shape.
This method can be used to adjust e.g. raster elevation values based on a more accurate land-mass polygon.
- Parameters:
- geomNone or Polygon or MultiPolygon
Filled shape to determine which points are considered inside or outside (usually land-mass polygon)
- inside_minfloat
The minimum value to truncate raster data that falls inside the specified geom shape
- outside_maxfloat
The maximum value to truncate raster data that falls outside the specified geom shape
- Returns:
- None
- get_contour(level: float, window: Window | None = None) LineString | MultiLineString
Calculate contour lines for specified data level.
This method can be used e.g. to calculated coastline based on raster data.
- Parameters:
- levelfloat
The level for which contour lines must be calculated
- windowwindows.Window or None
The raster window for which contour lines must be calculated
- Returns:
- LineString or MultiLineString
The contour lines calculated for the specified level
- get_channels(level: float = 0, width: float = 1000, tolerance: float | None = None) Polygon | MultiPolygon
Calculate narrow width polygons based on specified input
By using buffer functionality this method finds narrow regions of the domain. The level specifies at which data level domain polygon should be calculated and width describes the narrow region cut-off. tolerance is used for simplifying the polygon before buffering it to reduce computational cost.
- Parameters:
- levelfloat, default=0
Reference level to calculate domain polygon for narrow region calculation.
- widthfloat, default=1000
Cut-off used for designating narrow regions.
- tolerancefloat or None, default=None
Tolerance used for simplifying domain polygon.
- Returns:
- Polygon or MultiPolygon
The calculated narrow regions based on raster data
- iter_windows(chunk_size: int | None = None, overlap: int | None = None) Generator[Window, None, None]
Calculates sequence of windows for the raster
This method calculates the sequence of square windows for the raster based on the provided chunk_size and overlap.
- Parameters:
- chunk_sizeint or None , default=None
Square window size to be used for data chunking
- overlapint or None , default=None
Overlap size for calculating chunking windows on the raster
- Yields:
- windows.Window
Calculated square window on raster based on the window size and windows overlap values.
- get_window_data(window: Window, masked: bool = True, band: int | None = None) Tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[float]], ndarray[Any, dtype[float]], ndarray[Any, dtype[float]]]
Return the positions and values of raster data for the window
- Returns:
- tuple of np.ndarray
The triple of x-ticks, y-ticks and data on the raster grid
- get_window_bounds(window: Window) Tuple[int, int, int, int]
Returns west, south, east, north bounds of the window
- Returns:
- tuple of int
West, south, east, north bounds of the window
- get_window_transform(window: Window) None | Affine
Returns raster’s affine transform calculated for the window
- Returns:
- Affine
Affine transform matrix for specified window
- property x: ndarray[Any, dtype[float]]
Read-only attribute for the x-ticks of raster grid
This is a read-only property that returns the same results as get_x method
- property y: ndarray[Any, dtype[float]]
Read-only attribute for the y-ticks of raster grid
This is a read-only property that returns the same results as get_y method
- property values: ndarray[Any, dtype[float]]
Read-only attribute for the raster grid data
This is a read-only property that returns the same results as get_values method
- property path: Path
Read-only attribute for the path to original raster file
- property tmpfile: Path
Read-only attribute for the path to working raster file
- property md5: str
Read-only attribute for the hash of working raster file content
This is a read-only property that is recalculated every time from the content of the temporary working raster file.
- property count: int
Read-only attribute for the number of bands of raster dataset
- property is_masked: bool
Read-only attribute indicating whether raster has missing data.
This is a read-only property that indicates whether or not the raster has missing data points. The value of this property is recalculated every time the property is retrieved.
- property shape: Tuple[int, int]
Read-only attribute indicating the shape of raster grid
- property height: int
Read-only attribute for the number of rows of raster grid
- property bbox: Polygon | Bbox
Read-only attribute for the bounding box of the raster grid
This is a read-only property that returns the same results as get_bbox method
- property src: DatasetReader
Read-only attribute for access to opened dataset handle
- property width: int
Read-only attribute for the number of columns of raster grid
- property dx: float
Read-only attribute for grid distance in x direction
- property dy: float
Read-only attribute for grid distance in y direction
- property crs: CRS
Read-only attribute for raster CRS
This read-only property returns CRS as a pyproj.CRS type not rasterio.CRS.
- property transform: Affine
Read-only attribute for raster’s transform
- property dtypes: Any
Read-only attribute for raster’s data type
- property xres: float
Read-only attribute for grid resolution in x direction
This read-only property returns the same value as dx
- property yres: float
Read-only attribute for grid resolution in y direction
This read-only property returns the same value as -dy
- property resampling_method: Resampling
Modifiable attribute for stored raster resampling method
- property chunk_size: int
Modfiable attribute for stored square raster window size
- property overlap: int
Modfiable attribute for stored raster windows overlap amount
- ocsmesh.utils.must_be_euclidean_mesh(func)
- ocsmesh.utils.mesh_to_tri(mesh)
mesh is a jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t() instance.
- ocsmesh.utils.cleanup_isolates(mesh)
- ocsmesh.utils.cleanup_duplicates(mesh)
Cleanup duplicate nodes and elements
Elements and nodes are duplicate if they fully overlapping (not partially)
- ocsmesh.utils.cleanup_folded_bound_el(mesh)
delete all boundary elements whose nodes (all 3) are boundary nodes
- ocsmesh.utils.put_edge2(mesh)
- ocsmesh.utils.geom_to_multipolygon(mesh)
- ocsmesh.utils.get_boundary_segments(mesh)
- ocsmesh.utils.get_mesh_polygons(mesh)
- ocsmesh.utils.repartition_features(linestring: LineString, max_verts: int)
- ocsmesh.utils.transform_linestring(linestring: LineString, target_size: float)
- ocsmesh.utils.needs_sieve(mesh, area=None)
- ocsmesh.utils.put_id_tags(mesh)
- ocsmesh.utils.finalize_mesh(mesh, sieve_area=None)
- ocsmesh.utils.remesh_small_elements(opts, geom, mesh, hfun)
This function uses all the inputs for a given jigsaw meshing process and based on that finds and fixes tiny elements that might occur during initial meshing by iteratively remeshing
- ocsmesh.utils.sieve(mesh, area=None)
A mesh can consist of multiple separate subdomins on as single structure. This functions removes subdomains which are equal or smaller than the provided area. Default behaviours is to remove all subdomains except the largest one.
- ocsmesh.utils.sort_edges(edges)
- ocsmesh.utils.index_ring_collection(mesh)
- ocsmesh.utils.outer_ring_collection(mesh)
- ocsmesh.utils.inner_ring_collection(mesh)
- ocsmesh.utils.get_multipolygon_from_pathplot(ax)
- ocsmesh.utils.signed_polygon_area(vertices)
- ocsmesh.utils.vertices_around_vertex(mesh)
- ocsmesh.utils.get_surrounding_elem_verts(mesh, in_vert)
Find vertices of elements connected to input vertices
- ocsmesh.utils.get_lone_element_verts(mesh)
Also, there might be some dangling triangles without neighbors, which are also missed by path.contains_point()
- ocsmesh.utils.get_verts_in_shape(mesh: jigsaw_msh_t, shape: box | Polygon | MultiPolygon, from_box: bool = False, num_adjacent: int = 0) Sequence[int]
- ocsmesh.utils.select_adjacent(mesh, in_indices, num_layers)
- ocsmesh.utils.get_incident_edges(mesh, *args, **kwargs)
- ocsmesh.utils.get_cross_edges(mesh, *args, **kwargs)
- ocsmesh.utils.clip_mesh_by_shape(mesh: jigsaw_msh_t, shape: box | Polygon | MultiPolygon, use_box_only: bool = False, fit_inside: bool = True, inverse: bool = False, in_place: bool = False, check_cross_edges: bool = False, adjacent_layers: int = 0) jigsaw_msh_t
- ocsmesh.utils.remove_mesh_by_edge(mesh: jigsaw_msh_t, edges: Sequence[Tuple[int, int]], in_place: bool = False) jigsaw_msh_t
- ocsmesh.utils.clip_mesh_by_vertex(mesh: jigsaw_msh_t, vert_in: Sequence[int], can_use_other_verts: bool = False, inverse: bool = False, in_place: bool = False) jigsaw_msh_t
- ocsmesh.utils.get_mesh_edges(mesh, *args, **kwargs)
- ocsmesh.utils.calculate_tria_areas(mesh, *args, **kwargs)
- ocsmesh.utils.calculate_edge_lengths(mesh, *args, **kwargs)
- ocsmesh.utils.elements(mesh, *args, **kwargs)
- ocsmesh.utils.faces_around_vertex(mesh, *args, **kwargs)
- ocsmesh.utils.get_boundary_edges(mesh)
Find internal and external boundaries of mesh
- ocsmesh.utils.get_pinched_nodes(mesh)
Find nodes through which fluid cannot flow
- ocsmesh.utils.has_pinched_nodes(mesh)
- ocsmesh.utils.cleanup_pinched_nodes(mesh)
- ocsmesh.utils.interpolate(src: jigsaw_msh_t, dst: jigsaw_msh_t, **kwargs)
- ocsmesh.utils.interpolate_euclidean_mesh_to_euclidean_mesh(src: jigsaw_msh_t, dst: jigsaw_msh_t, method='linear', fill_value=nan)
- ocsmesh.utils.interpolate_euclidean_grid_to_euclidean_mesh(src: jigsaw_msh_t, dst: jigsaw_msh_t, bbox=None, kx=3, ky=3, s=0)
- ocsmesh.utils.tricontourf(mesh, ax=None, show=False, figsize=None, extend='both', colorbar=False, **kwargs)
- ocsmesh.utils.triplot(mesh, axes=None, show=False, figsize=None, color='k', linewidth=0.07, **kwargs)
- ocsmesh.utils.reproject(mesh: jigsaw_msh_t, dst_crs: str | CRS)
- ocsmesh.utils.limgrad(mesh, dfdx, imax=100)
See https://github.com/dengwirda/mesh2d/blob/master/hjac-util/limgrad.m for original source code.
- ocsmesh.utils.msh_t_to_grd(msh: jigsaw_msh_t) Dict
- ocsmesh.utils.grd_to_msh_t(_grd: Dict) jigsaw_msh_t
- ocsmesh.utils.msh_t_to_2dm(msh: jigsaw_msh_t)
- ocsmesh.utils.sms2dm_to_msh_t(_sms2dm: Dict) jigsaw_msh_t
- ocsmesh.utils.msh_t_to_utm(mesh, *args, **kwargs)
- ocsmesh.utils.estimate_bounds_utm(bounds, crs='EPSG:4326')
- ocsmesh.utils.estimate_mesh_utm(mesh, *args, **kwargs)
- ocsmesh.utils.get_polygon_channels(polygon, width, simplify=None, join_style=3)
- ocsmesh.utils.merge_msh_t(*mesh_list, out_crs='EPSG:4326', drop_by_bbox=True, can_overlap=True, check_cross_edges=False)
- ocsmesh.utils.add_pool_args(func)
- ocsmesh.utils.drop_extra_vertex_from_line(lstr: LineString) LineString
- ocsmesh.utils.drop_extra_vertex_from_polygon(mpoly: Polygon | MultiPolygon) MultiPolygon
- ocsmesh.utils.remove_holes(poly: Polygon | MultiPolygon) Polygon | MultiPolygon
Remove holes from the input polygon(s)
Given input Polygon or MultiPolygon, remove all the geometric holes and return a new shape object.
- Parameters:
- polyPolygon or MultiPolygon
The input shape from which the holes are removed
- Returns:
- Polygon or MultiPolygon
The resulting (multi)polygon after removing the holes
See also
Remove all the whole smaller than given size from the input shape
For a Polygon with no holes, this function returns the original object. For MultiPolygon with no holes, the return value is a unary_union of all the underlying `Polygon`s.
- ocsmesh.utils.remove_holes_by_relative_size(poly: Polygon | MultiPolygon, rel_size: float = 0.1) Polygon | MultiPolygon
Remove holes from the input polygon(s)
Given input Polygon or MultiPolygon, remove all the geometric holes that are smaller than the input relative size rel_size and return a new shape object.
- Parameters:
- polyPolygon or MultiPolygon
The input shape from which the holes are removed
- rel_sizefloat, default=0.1
Maximum ratio of a hole area to the area of polygon
- Returns:
- Polygon or MultiPolygon
The resulting (multi)polygon after removing the holes
See also
Remove all the whole from the input shape
For a Polygon with no holes, this function returns the original object. For MultiPolygon with no holes, the return value is a unary_union of all the underlying `Polygon`s.
If rel_size=1 is specified the result is the same as remove_holes function, except for the additional cost of calculating the areas.
- ocsmesh.utils.get_element_size_courant(characteristic_velocity_magnitude: float | ndarray[Any, dtype[float]], timestep: float, target_courant: float = 1) float | ndarray[Any, dtype[float]]
Calculate the element size based on the specified Courant number.
Calculate the element size based on the specified Courant number and input value for timestep and characteristic velocity
- Parameters:
- target_courantfloat
The Courant number to be achieved by the calculated element size
- characteristic_velocity_magnitudefloat or array of floats
Magnitude of total velocity used for element size calculation (\(\frac{m}{sec}\))
- timestepfloat
Timestep size (\(seconds\)) to
- Returns:
- float or array of floats
The calculated element size(s) to achieve the given Courant #
- ocsmesh.utils.can_velocity_be_approximated_by_linear_wave_theory(depth: float | ndarray[Any, dtype[float]], wave_amplitude: float = 2) bool | ndarray[Any, dtype[bool]]
Checks whether the particle velocity can be appoximated.
Based on the input depth, checks whether or not the velocity can be approximated from the linear wave theory
- Parameters:
- depthfloat or array of float
Depth of the point for which the approximation validation is checked
- wave_amplitudefloat, default=2
Free surface elevation (\(meters\)) from the reference (i.e. wave height)
- Returns:
- bool or array of bool
Whether or not the value at given input depth can be approximated
Linear wave theory approximation breaks down when \(\nu \sim h\) overland. So this method just returns whether depth is below or over depth of wave_amplitude magnitude.
Based on OceanMesh2D approximation method https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.21840.61446/2.
- ocsmesh.utils.estimate_particle_velocity_from_depth(depth: float | ndarray[Any, dtype[float]], wave_amplitude: float = 2) float | ndarray[Any, dtype[float]]
Approximate particle velocity magnitude based on depth of water
Estimate the value of particle velocity magnitude based on the linear wave theory as \(\left|u\right| = \nu \sqrt{\frac{g}{h}}\) for ocean and \(\left|u\right| = \sqrt{gH}\) for overland region where \(\nu \sim h\) so instead of linear wave theory we take \(H \approx \nu\)
- Parameters:
- depthfloat or array of floats
The depth of still water (e.g. from DEM)
- wave_amplitudefloat
Wave amplitude for approximation as defined by linear wave theory
- Returns:
- float or array of floats
Estimated water particle velocity
Based on OceanMesh2D approximation method https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.21840.61446/2.
- ocsmesh.utils.approximate_courant_number_for_depth(depth: float | ndarray[Any, dtype[float]], timestep: float, element_size: float | ndarray[Any, dtype[float]], wave_amplitude: float = 2) float | ndarray[Any, dtype[float]]
Approximate the Courant number for given depths
Approximate the value of Courant number for the input depth, timestep and element size. The velocity is approximated based on the input depth.
- Parameters:
- depthfloat or array of floats
- timestepfloat
Timestep size (\(seconds\)) to
- element_sizefloat or array of floats
Element size(s) to use for Courant number calculation. Must be scalar otherwise match the dimension of depth
- wave_amplitudefloat, default=2
Free surface elevation (\(meters\)) from the reference (i.e. wave height)
- Returns:
- float or array of floats
The approximated Courant number for each input depth
- ocsmesh.utils.create_rectangle_mesh(nx, ny, holes, x_extent=None, y_extent=None, quads=None)
- Note:
x = x-index y = y-index
holes or quads count starting at 1 from bottom corner square
25(26) 29(30)
- 5 ————*
- | | | |
- 4 ————*
- | | | |
- 3 ————*
- | | | |
- 2 ————*
- | | # | |
- 1 ————*
- | | | |
- 0 ————*
0(1) 4(5)
0 1 2 3 4
- ocsmesh.utils.raster_from_numpy(filename, data, mgrid, crs=<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326> Name: WGS 84 Axis Info [ellipsoidal]: - Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree) - Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree) Area of Use: - name: World. - bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0) Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich) None
- ocsmesh.utils.msht_from_numpy(coordinates, *, edges=None, triangles=None, quadrilaterals=None, values=None, crs=<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326> Name: WGS 84 Axis Info [ellipsoidal]: - Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree) - Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree) Area of Use: - name: World. - bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0) Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich)
- ocsmesh.utils.shape_to_msh_t(shape: Polygon | MultiPolygon) jigsaw_msh_t
Calculate vertex-edge representation of polygon shape
Calculate jigsawpy vertex-edge representation of the input shapely shape.
- Parameters:
- shapePolygon or MultiPolygon
Input polygon for which the vertex-edge representation is to be calculated
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
Vertex-edge representation of the input shape
- Raises:
- NotImplementedError
- ocsmesh.utils.shape_to_msh_t_2(shape: Polygon | MultiPolygon | GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries) jigsaw_msh_t
- ocsmesh.utils.triangulate_polygon(shape: Polygon | MultiPolygon | GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries, aux_pts: array | Point | MultiPoint | GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries = None, opts='p', type_t=2) None
Triangulate the input shape, with additional points provided
Use triangle package to triangulate the input shape. If provided, use the input additional points as well. The input opts controls how triangle treats the inputs. See the documentation for triangle more information
- Parameters:
- shapePolygon or MultiPolygon or GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries
Input polygon to triangulate
- aux_ptsnumpy array or Point or MultiPoint or GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries
Extra points to be used in the triangulation
- optsstring, default=’p’
Options for controlling triangle package
- type_tint, default=2
Options for controlling the workflow of the triangulation (see Notes)
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
Generated triangulation
- Raises:
- ValueError
If input shape is invalid or the point input cannot be used to generate point shape
type_t was added to encompass polygons that fail to be triangulated the default type_t = 2 is equal to the standard triangulate_polygon prior to the implementation of the type_t variable. type_t = 1 uses shape_to_msh_t instead of shape_to_msh_t_2 type_t = 3 places the point for the hole at the corned of the polygon
it should never be used in case there are multiple holes
- ocsmesh.utils.triangulate_polygon_s(shape: Polygon | MultiPolygon | GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries, aux_pts: array | Point | MultiPoint | GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries = None, min_int_ang=30) None
Triangulate the input shape smoothly
- Parameters:
- shapePolygon or MultiPolygon or GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries
Input polygon to triangulate
- min_int_anginteger, default=30
Minimal internal angle for triangulation
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
Generated triangulation
- ocsmesh.utils.filter_el_by_area(mesh, l_limit=0, u_limit=1e-07)
Get the elements that have area within limits
- Parameters:
- meshocsmesh.mesh.mesh.EuclideanMesh2D
Input mesh to be filtered
- l_limitfloat
lower area limit
- u_limitfloat
lower area limit
- Returns:
- dict
Mapping between selected element IDs and associated node Ids
Default l_limit and u_limit area optimum for finding small area elements
- ocsmesh.utils.create_patch_mesh(mesh_w_problem, sel_el_dict, mesh_for_patch, buffer_size=0.01, crs=<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326> Name: WGS 84 Axis Info [ellipsoidal]: - Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree) - Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree) Area of Use: - name: World. - bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0) Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich)
Extracts “patches” from a mesh (mesh_for_patch) based on a buffer of size “buffer_size” around elements (“sel_el_dict”) from another mesh (“mesh_w_problem”)
- Parameters:
- mesh_w_problemocsmesh.mesh.mesh.EuclideanMesh2D
mesh with erroneous elements
- sel_el_dictdict
dict with elements for which a buffer will be created
- mesh_for_patchocsmesh.mesh.mesh.EuclideanMesh2D
mesh that will be used for creating the patches
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
Patch mesh
The hfun.2dm can be used as mesh_for_patch Default buffer_size is optimum for finding small area elements
- ocsmesh.utils.clip_mesh_by_mesh(mesh_to_be_clipped: ~jigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t, mesh_clipper: ~jigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t, inverse: bool = True, fit_inside: bool = False, check_cross_edges: bool = True, adjacent_layers: int = 2, crs=<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326> Name: WGS 84 Axis Info [ellipsoidal]: - Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree) - Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree) Area of Use: - name: World. - bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0) Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich, buffer_size=None) jigsaw_msh_t
Clip a mesh (“mesh_to_be_clipped”) based on the mesh extent of another mesh (“mesh_clipper”)
- Parameters:
- mesh_to_be_clippedjigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t
mesh to be clipped
- mesh_clipperjigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t
mesh that will be used to clip
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
clipped mesh
- ocsmesh.utils.create_mesh_from_mesh_diff(domain: ~jigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t | ~shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon | ~shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon | ~geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame | ~geopandas.geoseries.GeoSeries | list, mesh_1: ~jigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t, mesh_2: ~jigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t, crs=<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326> Name: WGS 84 Axis Info [ellipsoidal]: - Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree) - Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree) Area of Use: - name: World. - bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0) Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich, min_int_ang=None, buffer_domain=0.001, hfun_mesh=None) jigsaw_msh_t
Create a triangulation for the area correspondent to the difference between “mesh_1” and “mesh_2” for the extent defined by “mesh_for_domain”
- Parameters:
- domainjigsawpy.msh_t or Polygon or
MultiPolygon or GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries extent of entire domain (mesh_1+mesh_2+gap)
- mesh_1jigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t
- mesh_2jigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t
- min_int_ang
Minimal internal angle for triangulation default = None, i.e. direct connection between vertices recommended = 30
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
mesh for the area between mesh_1 and mesh_2 within mesh_for_domain
- ocsmesh.utils.merge_neighboring_meshes(*all_msht)
Combine meshes whose boundaries match Adapted from:
- Parameters:
- all_mshtjigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t
mesh to be merged, sections of boundaries of these mesh must overlap (i.e. they must share boundary nodes)
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
merged mesh
- ocsmesh.utils.fix_small_el(mesh_w_problem: jigsaw_msh_t, mesh_for_patch: jigsaw_msh_t, l_limit: float = 0.0, u_limit: float = 1e-07, buffer_size: float = 0.01, adjacent_layers: int = 2) jigsaw_msh_t
Fix spurious small elements (<u_limit=1e-7)
- Parameters:
- mesh_w_problemocsmesh.mesh.mesh.EuclideanMesh2D
mesh that has small areas
- mesh_for_patchocsmesh.mesh.mesh.EuclideanMesh2D
mesh that will be used for fixing the mesh_w_problem
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
fixed mesh with no small area elements
Other optimal attributes were determined based on testing and they can be changed as needed:
l_limit=0,u_limit=1e-7, buffer_size=0.001, adjacent_layers=2
- ocsmesh.utils.merge_overlapping_meshes(all_msht: list, adjacent_layers: int = 0, buffer_size: float = 0.005, buffer_domain: float = 0.01, min_int_ang: int = 30, hfun_mesh=None, crs=<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326> Name: WGS 84 Axis Info [ellipsoidal]: - Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree) - Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree) Area of Use: - name: World. - bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0) Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich) jigsaw_msh_t
Combine meshes whose boundaries match
- Parameters:
- *all_mshtjigsaw_msh_t
list of meshes to be merged, the later on the list the higher the priority
- adjacent_layersint
# of elements of the low priority mesh that will be deleted passed the overlap
- buffer_sizefloat
size of the buffer that will be added around the high priority mesh when carving out the low priority mesh (sometimes this necessary if the mesh is too narrow)
- buffer_domainfloat
size of the buffer that will be added around the entire mesh domain. This is necessary for preventing slivers at the mesh boundary intersections
- min_int_angint
Minimal internal angle for triangulation default = 30, i.e. triangles will have internal angles of at least 30 deg For no smoothness min_int_ang = None
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
final merged mesh
- ocsmesh.utils.calc_el_angles(msht)
Adapted from: https://github.com/SorooshMani-NOAA/river-in-mesh/tree/main/river_in_mesh
Calculates the internal angle of each node for element (triangular or quadrangular)
- Parameters:
- mshtjigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t
- Returns:
- np.array
internal angles of each element
- Notes
- ocsmesh.utils.order_mesh(msht, crs=<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326> Name: WGS 84 Axis Info [ellipsoidal]: - Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree) - Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree) Area of Use: - name: World. - bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0) Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich) jigsaw_msh_t
Order mesh nodes counterclockwise (triangles and quads) based on the coordinates
- Parameters:
- mshtjigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t
mesh with nodes out of order
- Returns:
- jigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t
- np.array
mesh whose nodes within each element are oriented counterclockwise
- ocsmesh.utils.quads_from_tri(msht) jigsaw_msh_t
Partially adapted from:
Combines all triangles that share vertices that are not right angles. right angles is defined as the internal angle closest to 90deg
- Parameters:
- mshtjigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t
triangular mesh
- Returns:
- jigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t
quadrangular + triangular mesh
- ocsmesh.utils.clip_elements_by_index(msht: jigsaw_msh_t, tria=None, quad=None, inverse: bool = False) jigsaw_msh_t
Adapted from:
- Parameters:
- mshtjigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t
mesh to beclipped
- tria or quad: array with the element ids to be removed
- inverse = default:False
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
mesh without skewed elements
- ocsmesh.utils.cleanup_skewed_el(mesh: jigsaw_msh_t, lw_bound_tri: float = 1.0, up_bound_tri: float = 175.0, lw_bound_quad: float = 10.0, up_bound_quad: float = 179.0) jigsaw_msh_t
Removes elements based on their internal angles
- Parameters:
- mshtjigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t
- lw_bound_tridefault=1
- up_bound_tridefault=175
- lw_bound_quaddefault=10
- up_bound_quaddefault=179
- Returns:
- np.array
internal angles of each element
- ocsmesh.utils.cleanup_concave_quads(mesh: jigsaw_msh_t) jigsaw_msh_t
Removes concave quads that might have been wrongly created during the quadrangulation process
- Parameters:
- mshtjigsawpy.msh_t.jigsaw_msh_t
- Returns:
- np.array
internal angles of each element
- ocsmesh.utils.quadrangulate_rivermapper_arcs(arcs_shp, _buffer_1: float = 0.001, _buffer_2: float = 0.0001, _batch_size: float = 1000, crs=<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326> Name: WGS 84 Axis Info [ellipsoidal]: - Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree) - Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree) Area of Use: - name: World. - bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0) Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich) jigsaw_msh_t
Creates quads using the RiverMapper diagnostic outputs removes quads with repetitive coords removes all elements that intersect merges all individual quads for each stream into a single mesh removes intersecting quads at junctions
- Parameters:
- arcs_shp.shp file with the RiverMapper diagnostic arcs
- _buffer_1default(0.001), controls the the removal of
overlaping quads within a given stream
- _buffer_2default(0.0001), controls the the removal of
overlaping quads at the river junctions
- _batch_sizedefault(1000), batch size for merging stream quads
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
quad mesh
Future versions of this function should be parallelized for efficiency
- ocsmesh.utils.batched(iterable, n)
This function is part of itertools for python 3.12+ This function was added to utils.py to ensure OCSMesh can run on older with python<3.12
- ocsmesh.utils.delaunay_within(gdf)
Creates the initial delaunay triangules for a gpd composed of polygons (only). Selects those delaunay triangules that fall within domain.
- Parameters:
- gdfgpd of polygons
- Returns:
- gdfgpd of triangulated polygons
- ocsmesh.utils.triangulate_shp(gdf)
Fills out the gaps left by the delaunay_within
- Parameters:
- gdfgpd of polygons
- Returns:
- gdfgpd of triangulated polygons
- ocsmesh.utils.shptri_to_msht(triangulated_shp)
Converts a triangulated shapefile to msh_t
- Parameters:
- triangulated_shptriangulated gpd
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
- ocsmesh.utils.triangulate_poly(rm_poly)
Creates triangulated meshes from gpf with poly and multipoly
- Parameters:
- rm_poly.shp (gpd) (e.g.file with the RiverMapper outputs)
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
River Mesh
- ocsmesh.utils.validate_poly(gdf)
Goes over all polygons in a gpf and applied the make_valid func
- Parameters:
- gdf.shp (gpd) (e.g.file with the RiverMapper outputs)
- Returns:
- gdf_valid, gdf_invalid: valid and invalid polygon in the gpdf
- ocsmesh.utils.find_polyneighbors(target_gdf, ref_gdf)
Finds all polygons in target_gdf that border polygons in ref_gdf
- Parameters:
- target_gdf: .shp (gpd)
- ref_gdf: .shp (gpd)
- Returns:
- sjoin: .shp (gpd) with all target_gdf that
border polygons in ref_gdf
- Notes
- ocsmesh.utils.validate_RMmesh(RMmesh)
Takes a mesh triangulated from a polygon and removes invalid elements (and their neighbors)
- Parameters:
- RMmesh: triangualed msh_t
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
River Mesh
- ocsmesh.utils.triangulate_rivermapper_poly(rm_poly)
Creates triangulated mesh using the RiverMapperoutputs 1) Finds slivers (gdf_invalid) on RM shapefile 2) Finds all polygons next to slivers 3) Removes all polygons next to slivers 4) Triangulate the slivers-free RM shapefile 5) Finds/Removes non-matching vertices and their neighbor el
- Parameters:
- rm_poly: .shp (gpd) file with the RiverMapper outputs
- Returns:
- jigsaw_msh_t
River Mesh